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The Meaning Behind the Name

Heights Wealth Management

Your Financial Heights

Our firm's main focus is achieving greater heights in every aspect of your finances. This means going above and beyond in the services we offer in order for you to meet and surpass your goals. 

Providing detailed financial planning to bring all the moving parts of your life together is the main factor to heighten your financial experience. This ensures nothing is overlooked and every cent of your money has a purpose. 

Combine this with our disciplined investment management experience along with personalized customer service, and you will quickly understand why we are named HEIGHTS Wealth Management. 

Heights, Our Town

Located in Peoria Heights, IL, our name may sound like an obvious choice. However, the town means more to us than simply where our office is located. 

Founder, Jon Andrew, has deep ties to Peoria Heights. This is where he met his wife Renee, proposed, and where they live and have started their family. 

When it was decided to open a new firm, Jon knew there was no other place he wanted to be. This was the perfect opportunity to deepen his family's ties to Peoria Heights and stay involved in this community for many years to come. 

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